30.09.2023 Special doberman show Vladivostok
Judge: Liu,Boyong
BARYMAR WARCRAFT ( PoR Marrakech& Pax Deorum Ilza) -CW,JCC,Best junior,BOB!!!
30.09.2023 National dog show САС/Champion of RKF with special status Vladivostok
Judge: Trofimov D.V.
BARYMAR WARCRAFT ( PoR Marrakech& Pax Deorum Ilza)-1ex,JCAC,best junior, BOB,Junior champion of RKF!!!
31.09.2023 FCI-CAC II-group + Speciality Vladivostok
Judge : Alexandrov V.A.
BARYMAR WARCRAFT ( PoR Marrakech& Pax Deorum Ilza)-very good