09.07.2021 FCI-CACIB “Basarabi-2021”, Orhei,Moldova 

Judge: Sergei Volinets
10.07.2021 FCI-CACIB “Basarabi-2021”, Orhei,Moldova 

Judge: Kirill Drozdov
10.07.2021 FCI-CAC “Basarabi-2021”, Orhei,Moldova 

Judge: Svetlana Kaplichnaya
11.07.2021 FCI-CACIB “Basarabi-2021”, Orhei,Moldova 

Judge: Ludmila Patsula
11.07.2021 FCI-CAC “Basarabi-2021”, Orhei,Moldova 

Judge: Tatiana Bishir
VARAVVA is finished Champion of Moldova, Grand Champion of Moldova, Super Champion of Moldova, Champion of Basarabia, Best of Breed Representative, Champion of the Breed

MERCANA is finished Junior Champion of Moldova, Junior Grand Champion of Moldova, Champion of Moldova, Grand Champion of Moldova, Super Champion of Moldova, Champion of Basarabia, Best of Breed Representative, Champion of the Breed